MahaSati Training 2020-2021 (2 Years). (There will be an option for another 2 year MahaSati Advanced training in 2022-2023.)
Registration Open for Applications: June 15 – August 15, 2019 and October 20 – December 20, 2019 if needed. Please contact Heather to receive an application at info<at>
Pre-Requisites to the Training: – 5 years of Buddhist practice & 30 nights of Insight Meditation retreat minimum. – You must have a prior connection with Heather, either through sitting a retreat with her, or some other event. There is still time to ‘make this connection’ by choosing a retreat with Heather in the next year. – Preferably, one would feel drawn to Awareness teachings & practice in any tradition and/or to the Thai forest tradition style of teachings. – Participants will be accepted into the training mainly based on their experience & commitment to practice, their connection with Heather and the teachings of the training, and their spiritual maturity.
Training will include: – 8-9 modules per year for 2 years including:
At Home Study & Practice materials
Password protected recordings of the teachings & guided meditations for participants only
An MahaSati Training manual only available to training participants
– 10 Individual sessions with Heather per year
– One mandatory MahaSati residential retreat per year: Retreats offered in CA & Washington State in the June & Autumn seasons.
– Monthly Small Peer Group Calls/Zooms to discuss practice, study & develop community support. Heather will join a couple of these calls annually.
Teacher & Training Support: (Less than $3000 per year including everything below at the low end of sliding scales)
The training will be offered on a sliding scale financial offering between $1100 – 2100 for the two years ($550-$1050 per year). This includes the Recordings, the At Home Study & Practice materials, and the MahaSati Training Manual. It also includes Application & Registration support, and Administration support for the ongoing training.
The 10 Annual Individual Sessions with Heather are also offered on a sliding scale Teacher Support model.
55 minute session: $75-150
30 minute session: $45-90
The annual MahaSati Retreat is signed up for & paid for separately. In addition to the finances for registering for the retreat, the Teacher & Staff Support for retreats is also on a sliding scale model.
** There will be limited financial assistance for the MahaSati Training available, based on the generosity of those of offer above $1500 on the sliding scale for the training. There is no organization sponsoring this training, all financial support comes directly from the teacher & the students. For the MahaSati Retreats, the sponsoring organizations offer scholarship support for the registration costs.